General Contractors Insurance

As a general contractor, you face a wide range of risks on every job site. From injuries to property damage, the exposures you encounter require robust insurance protection. At Mowen Insurance, we understand the unique needs of general contractors and can craft a customized insurance solution to safeguard your business.

Comprehensive general contractors insurance is essential for managing the inherent liabilities associated with your work. Our policies can provide coverage for bodily injury, third-party property damage, completed operations, and more. This peace of mind allows you to focus on delivering quality workmanship to your clients without worrying about the financial consequences of the unexpected.

Beyond general liability, Mowen Insurance can also help you obtain essential coverages like workers’ compensation, commercial auto, and even surety bonds. By bundling your protections, you can streamline your coverage and benefit from cost-effective premiums. Don’t leave your contracting business vulnerable – partner with the insurance experts at Mowen to build a rock-solid risk management strategy.

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100 Drumlin Circle, Concord Ontario, L4K 3E5

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(905) 660-9740